
Friday, February 18, 2011

Utter Hypocrisy

The utter hypocrisy those on the right display never ceases to amaze me. This fact has become especially more evident lately as their mouthpieces on talk radio and Fox News steadily rail against the labor protesters in Wisconsin, who are voicing their opposition to a proposal to ban collective bargaining for some 300,000 workers.

Right wingers rant about the so-called "excesses" that unions have won through many years of this legal process. Yet, most of these same people don't bat an eye when Wall Street moguls still collect 7-figure bonuses after getting their asses bailed out by taxpayers.

Why is it that whenever we begin talking about curbing the deficit the first option always seems to be slashing spending on programs that benefit the poor and middle class? Folks, there's lots more fat to trim at the top.

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