
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ice Storm 2011: A Few Thoughts and Reflections

Local weather forecasters began talking about it almost a week before it arrived as two huge low-pressure systems began forming over New Mexico and eastern Texas respectively. As it became clear that most of the nation would start the month of February off by being slammed with a major winter storm, people prepared for the inevitable by depleting stores of food, milk and supplies…and by forming social networking, groups called “Snowpocalypse 2011” on Facebook.

As it turned out, my home in west-central Indiana lay at the southern edge of the winter storm, but apparently, that wasn't "southern" enough to escape the mayhem. Instead of the thick blankets of snow, which most of the Midwest experienced, our show, here at home, was an inch-and-a-quarter coating of ice over everything.

Unfortunately, electrical engineers still haven't designed power lines that can sustain the weight of such huge quantities of ice. Moreover, it was about 7:30 on Tuesday night (February 1st) amid heavy freezing rain, sleet and high winds when I noticed about a half dozen flashes of light. I first thought it was lightning, but then reluctantly acknowledged the flashes were due to transformers blowing out. Within minutes, our lights began flickering and then ceased to work at all. No more TV, microwave, lights, heat, hot water…and OMG, internet. My family, neighborhood and town were feeling nature’s rage as it decided to make a statement that night.

After 36 hours, we finally had our power restored late Thursday morning (February 3rd). When we arrived home from our overnight stay at the Holiday Inn, we could see our breaths while sitting in our living room. It got down to around 10 degrees the night before and I think our dog and our cat were happier about our return than we were. (The motel stay was rough with the indoor pool, hot tub and room service...LOL!)

Seriously, it is good to be home and at least the food in the fridge didn't go bad!

“Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it's been clear
Here comes the sun, here comes the sun,
and I say it's all right
It's all right.” – the Beatles

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The sheer scale of the Universe is almost impossible for us to grasp. Imagine shrinking the entire Solar System to the size of a quarter—sud...