
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Annotated Portfolio: A Collection of My Recent Work

I've just completed a course called 'Document Design' in my online studies with DeVry University. I, emphatically, believe that this class, so far, has been the most worthwhile. I believe I've really learned some marketable skills that will help me move ahead with my newly chosen career in technical communications.

The following is my final project for the course. It's called "Annotated Porfolio". As the title implies, it's a collection of the design work I've completed. I used MS Publisher to complete most of my samples. However, I produced some using MS Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

I submitted "Annotated Portfolio" as a PowerPoint slide presentation. (I'm anxiously awaiting a grade from my professor.) The following eight pictures are uploaded JPEG images of the presentation:

Well, there you have it! My next course, which begins February 28th (next Mon.), is 'Advanced Technical Writing and Editing'. Perhaps, I'll be able to add some more additions to my portfolio after I complete this class.

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