
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm just not buying it...

This false equivalency opinion, which basically says both the left and right are guilty of recent violent rhetoric, really burns my ass. So many pundits and politicians, particularly Republicans, have adopted this line. I, personally, don't see it that way. Sure, some fringe leftist blogger somewhere may have said or written something violent.

But, I defy anyone to name a Democratic politician who has said something like:

"Don't retreat, reload" -Sarah Palin (as reported on CBS News).

or "People are really looking for Second Amendment remedies...we need to take [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid out." - failed Senate candidate Sharron Angle (as reported on MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Show.

This link provides a rather lengthy rundown of some of the inflammatory rhetoric coming from right wing commentators, activists and politicians during the last two-and-a-half years.


I'm pretty sure one can't find a similar list of violent rhetoric coming from the left.

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