I just installed Excel on my new laptop...and I decided to explore its graph making capability. Since I just successfully advanced through all of 2010 smoke free, I thought it would be interesting (to me, anyway) to plot the yearly cost of smoking throughout my life:

A little bit of attribution is in order. My annual costs were derived on average cigarette pack prices since 1969 according to answers: google.com. Having any data before 1969 is irrelevant because I was a non-smoker up until that time.
As you can probably deduce from my graph, I didn't start smoking until the 1970s while I was in high school. I quit in the early 1980s thinking it would hamper my new career in radio broadcasting. Marital and other personal problems led me to stupidly restart the habit around 1994. And up until late 2009 (December 13th, to be precise), I smoked as if it were going out of style.
To pour more salt on my wounds, I decided design a graph plotting the accumulative costs of my smoking:

If my figures are anywhere close to be being correct, I've spent about $18,500 dollars buying smokes throughout my life. And just for giggles, I decided to Google search "$18500" and "truck". One of images that emerged was a 2007 Ford F-150.

I think I'll stop now because this post is getting far too graphic!!!!
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