
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's Time for a New Moron!

The subject of ignorant and uninformed voters comes up often in the blogosphere. And invariably, bloggers writing posts about this topic utilize this unforgettable image to accompany their story:

Just today, in fact, I had a story appear with that same image in my Facebook news feed from Alternet.org. The post's written content is spot on and enlightening. But I ask, must we fall back so consistently on making use of the not-so-bright looking St. Louis Cardinals fan holding up a sign that misspells morons?

Now, don't get me wrong! The image is a laugh riot. But it's more than 10 years old! So, it's not exactly current. Moreover, as a St. Louis Cardinals fan, I cringe at the thought of what Mr. 'Moran' is doing to pigeonhole the Cardinal fan base, St. Louisans, and Midwesterners, as well. This dude is hardly representative of us. And, we don't need to hand out added ammunition to outsiders that affirms their already-held beliefs that we're a bunch of uneducated rubes and rednecks.

My post, now, is mostly tongue-in-cheek, and I realize that my beef doesn't really touch upon any of the world's most pressing problems...not even close. But this is my blog, and I say right up front that it's my place to rant! Moreover, there is no shortage of political morons in the country. Might I suggest using this dude as the new poster boy.

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