
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Telecommuting (Okay...Working At Home!)

Being somewhat of a latecomer to digital technology, I never really thought about 'telecommuting' or working from home via the internet as a condition for evaluating a potential job offer. And telecommuting,it appears, is an option that many companies are offering with jobs in my chosen profession of technical writing.

On first consideration, telecommuting seems like an ideal way to work as a technical writer. This mode of working would enable me to work for almost anyone in the world at almost any given time. Telecommuting would eliminate much of the need for expensive transportation and the concurrent headaches of dealing with traffic jams. Moreover, working at home in this manner would enable me to set my own schedule.

Nevertheless, I believe telecommuting has a downside that would, in my opinion, offset all of the above benefits. I fear eventually that I'd develop a feeling of isolation and alienation. I like to deal with people directly and have a sense that I'm a part of the world. Telecommuting, I believe, would cut me off from those dynamic forces.

(For the record, the person in the above picture isn't me. I 'googled' an image search for telecommuters...and this is one that came up.)

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