
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Turn it up!

At my work, we are required to keep the volume of our PC’s turned up.

My employer manufactures the digital discs that much of the world uses for gaming, CD’s, DVD’s and now high-definition DVD’s. I work as a material handler in a digitally-controlled library where I issue and collect returns of needed manufacturing component parts. The company refers to this area as the “matrix”. I’m not exactly sure why.

Anyway, to make a long story short, our PC’s that we use to keep track of inventory transfers can get rather noisy during the course of a day. One sound we hear quite often is a drum roll. This sound tells us that a particular manufacturing area needs a part ASAP, and that we either need to locate or order one. This drum roll will persist until someone clicks on the “acknowledge” link that came with the message.

Trust me, there are days I wish I could permanently mute all of our PC’s.

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