
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Yes, I Once Wrote for a Newspaper...Really!

Back in 1981, I worked a stretch as a sports reporter at the Columbia Missourian, a daily, commercial newspaper run by the University of Missouri School of Journalism. Since then, I often went around bragging about how I once was a sportswriter. But, I had no proof...until now.

Thanks to some wonderfully diligent librarians at Mizzou's journalism library, I was able to retrieve some long lost samples of my work. After tracking down the articles on microfilm (They have every issue of the Missourian dating back to 1923.), the library sent me several PDF files of stories with my byline. Then, I conveted these to JPG.

Now,Jay Mariotti's job isn't in any danger, but here's some of the samples. All the stories were about track. This is a preview I wrote about an upcoming meet for Mizzou.

The second set is my story about the local high school (the Hickman Kewpies) winning the state title in girls track.

My stint as a sports reporter ended shortly after these stories were published because I had to withdraw from Mizzou for personal reasons. I did graduate later but my emphasis was changed to broadcast news.


FYI, I wrote and submitted the girls state track meet story on the day it happened, Saturday, May 30, 1981. The Missourian published it the next day in their Sunday edition for May 31, 1981. I'm still uncertain on the exact date for my other Missourian story, but I believe it was published the week before.

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