
Sunday, November 8, 2020


In 73 days, Donald Trump will officially lose power and Joe Biden will be sworn in as our 46th president. And he will be a vast improvement on many levels. He will bring, at long last, at scientific, compassionate approach to battling the Coronavirus pandemic effectively. I believe he will be successful. Beyond that, however, my hopes for Biden getting much else accomplished remain somewhat subdued. Like President Obama, he will have to deal with an obstructive Mitch McConnell-led U.S Senate. Biden will likely be hamstrung in getting even the smallest possible incremental reform passed. Moreover, the new president-elect has signaled that he may not make pushing for any progressive reforms a priority. Pundits say Biden may appoint anti-labor, austerity-minded Republicans like former Ohio Governor John Kasich to his cabinet. Meantime, many party insiders close to Biden are warning progressives should back off from promoting issues, such as Medicare for All. They say they will be harmful to any future electoral success. 

I believe this approach would be a mistake. Medicare for All is hugely popular as recent polls indicate it has more than 70 percent support among all Americans. In a recent piece published in Common Dreams, New York progressive Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez points out that all the congressional Democrats who lost their re-election bids in Tuesday’s elections were centrists who did not support Medicare for All. While the candidates supporting it, she maintains, won. Sadly, during the campaign, Biden has categorically stated that he is opposed to Medicare for All, but did indicate he supports a revised ACA plan with a public option. I hope, at least, he remains steadfast to that promise.


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