
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Newspaper Stains

It seems that web designers have inherited a significant amount of their technical lingo and terminology from the world of print.
I think this circumstance has resulted mostly because web design has its origins in graphic design, which folks have been using for centuries in newspaper and magazine design.

I think it's all a frame of reference. Before the arrival of web design, graphic design was the closest activity people had that bore any resemblance to it. Adopting terms like 'column' or even 'page' made web design more clear and tangible.

While the capabilities of web design has evolved far beyond graphic design, so has its terminology. The old newspaper terms still being used now have added meaning, and I believe, remain relevant. Language has never been static.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Browsing Wars?

I don't have an iPad yet. However, I'd like to get one just to see what it's all about. I recently took a round-trip flight with a couple of stopovers. I noticed that iPads, along with smartphones and Kindles seem to have become prerequisite gear for airport travelers.

From what I've read, the quality of one's browsing experience on an iPad depends greatly on what browser he or she uses. And apparently developers in Silicon Valley are fiercely competing for a piece, if not all, of this burgeoning and increasingly lucrative market. Mozilla, Microsoft, Verizon, Samsung, and around 25 other companies are favoring a W3C group that establishes mobile web browser guidelines. While other tech giants, such as Google and Yahoo, are taking a more hands off approach.


The sheer scale of the Universe is almost impossible for us to grasp. Imagine shrinking the entire Solar System to the size of a quarter—sud...